This year, Adventures in Learning, the after school academic and enrichment program for underserved Manhasset and Great Neck students, will hold a virtual celebration in lieu of its Annual Wine Tasting Soirée due to the pandemic.
Honorees will be its teachers, staff and program. It will be held online from March 5 to March 12th at www.adventures-in-learning.org.
The pandemic has had an enormous impact upon Adventures’ students and families. Therefore, this year’s virtual fundraising event is more critical than ever due to the fact that the students’ and families’ needs have become even greater.
During this time, Adventures’ exceptional, dedicated teachers, staff and volunteers have gone beyond the call of duty stepping up to the plate to help.
They have tutored and mentored students daily and have also prepared weekly dinners for the families.
Extensive precautions have been taken to reduce virus exposure with staff diligently maintaining the facility and having an on-site nurse present. Everyone has complied with requests to wear masks and to wash hands properly.
Diana Holden, executive director of Adventures, stated, “On behalf of our Board, I would like to express our thanks to everyone who has supported our organization, its students and their families during the pandemic.
Despite the crisis, the community participation, generosity and heartfelt responses have been unbelievable. Yet our requests for charitable donations are never ending to fill the needs. Please come and join us for our virtual celebration from March 5 to 12.
To learn more about Adventures’ upcoming fundraiser and to also see exciting videos of Adventures in action, please visit the website at www.adventures-in-learning.org. You will not only hear from teachers and parents but will also be able to watch former students’ video clips who will speak about how Adventures impacted their lives academically and personally. Many have gone on to college.
Below are the Virtual Celebration’s Sponsorship Opportunities:
Diamond $10,000 to fund two (2) students for one year at Adventures
Platinum $ 5,000 to fund one (1) student for one year at Adventures
Gold $ 2,500 to fund snacks for one year
Silver $ 1,000 to fund school supplies
Bronze $ 500 to fund art supplies
Patron$ $ 250 to fund books
Friend $ 100 to fund student reading prizes
Once again, the Kash for Kids Raffle will be held with the following prizes. Note that a maximum of 250 tickets will be sold.
First Prize: $2,500.00 Second Prize: $1,000.00 Third Prize: $500.00
Checks can be made payable to Adventures and mailed to Adventures in Learning, 65 High Street, Manhasset, NY. Or to pay by credit card, please visit the website at www.adventures-in-learning.org or call 516-365-7131.
Founded over 53 years ago by the Congregational Church in Manhasset, Adventures in Learning is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. T
his after-school program is located on the third floor of the Hagedorn Community Center in the Manhasset/Great Neck EOC building at 65 High St., Manhasset. Most particularly, it is dedicated to improving the lives of children in Manhasset and Great Neck in need of after-school care and instruction.
For further information, contact:
Diana Holden: 516-767-9235, or
Eleanor Lange: 516-627-1818
Published at theislandnow.com (February 21, 2021)