Adventures In Learning

Adventures in Learning is an after-school educational and enrichment program dedicated to improving the lives of underserved Long Island children in need of after-school care and instruction. Housed in the Hagedorn Community Center at the Manhasset/Great Neck EOC and the John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Great Neck, Adventures provides a warm and caring environment where children develop homework skills while benefiting from literary and math programs,STEAM enrichment programs and cultural activities.

Summer Camp

A big thank you to our community for your support at the Spring Soirée March 22, 2024!  We met our fundraising goal!  Your attendance and donations made the special night a huge success.  Your generosity, along with the leadership of our beloved and highly educated teachers and administrators, has helped us to continue to provide an acclaimed after-school experience for our underserved children.  We are so grateful. 

Congratulations To Our Kash4Kids Winners!

  • 1st prize David Landau
  • 2nd prize Christine Shah
  • 3rd prize Caroline Jeffrey

Your continued support makes a huge difference for Long Island Children.
Please donate today

Manhasset Donations

Great Neck Donations

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